Gli eventi

In programming

Friday 7/03 - ore 10:00

'70 Cult!

At Giunti Odeon, three great classics of American cinema from the 1970s will immerse you once again in the psychedelic and futuristic atmospheres of a decade that forever marked the imagination of cinema, music, visual culture and fashion.

Friday 7/03 - ore 18:30

CAVOLI E MERENDE by Luca Calvani

Friday, March 7, Luca Calvani will be with us!

The actor, director, and creative mind—well-known from television—will present his latest book, Cavoli & merende (EDT), alongside journalist Eva Edili.

The Book

A farmhouse in Tuscany, rolling hills, a vegetable garden, beehives, and open fields—this is the setting where actor Luca Calvani settled years ago. Having made his debut in 2000 with Le Fate Ignoranti by Ferzan Ozpetek, he later became a familiar TV face, co-hosting Cortesie per gli ospiti alongside Csaba dalla Zorza. His farmhouse, Le Gusciane, is a place of hospitality and culinary passion, where he personally prepares meals for his guests.

From these experiences comes his first book: sixty dishes inspired by—and sourced from—the nature surrounding Le Gusciane. Each season is represented with fifteen recipes, featuring ingredients that follow the rhythms of nature and the landscape’s transformations. The book offers simple yet elegant preparations, accompanied by insights on ingredients (as Calvani is also a farmer and beekeeper), home styling, and tips for maintaining a garden and vegetable patch.

About the Author

Luca Calvani made his film debut in 2000 in Le Fate Ignoranti by Ferzan Ozpetek and later appeared in Sex and the City, alternating between roles in independent productions and soap operas such as As the World Turns. In 2006, he won L’Isola dei Famosi. In 2020 and 2021, he worked as a correspondent for Ogni mattina on Tv8, and in 2023, he became a judge on Cortesie per gli ospiti on Real Time. In recent years, he has turned his passion for cooking into a profession—he is the chef at Le Gusciane, his farmhouse and B&B in Tuscany.


Gabriele Galasso's Digital Photography Course is aimed at all those who are interested in photography, both from a technical point of view and from a language perspective, and who are taking their first steps with digital photography.

The goal of the course is to provide participants with all the knowledge needed to shoot in manual mode independently, immediately putting into practice, through photographic exercises, the shooting techniques while stimulating their creativity both during the day and at night.

Through the viewing of images from past and contemporary photographers, the potential of photographic language is analyzed. A camera capable of manual shooting is required.

The subscription (120€ and 60€ for those under 25) can be purchased at the GO ticket office. Registration is limited.



Daytime Practical Session

During the daytime outing, theoretical concepts will be put into practice through photographic exercises, shooting the city at night with artificial light.


Gabriele Galasso

Gabriele Galasso was born in 1995 in Umbria. He graduated in Cinema Studies at DAMS at Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna, and following his passion for art, he realized that his artistic expression comes through photography. He enrolled in a two-year photography course at Spazio Labo', and at the end of the program, he joined the team initially as an assistant for courses and masterclasses and later as an instructor for digital and analog photography courses. His photographic interest is particularly focused on personal artistic research, while he also works on commissioned projects for brands, companies, and events.

In addition, he designs educational programs aimed at young children, creating tools to raise awareness of photographic language through practical and experiential workshops and basic photography concepts for children and teenagers.

He currently lives and works in Florence, collaborating with various organizations.

Sunday 9/03 - ore 11:00


Children... let's read together at GO!


Every Sunday, from 11:00 to 12:00, our readers will take you through the pages of wonderful books, right under the stage at GO! Soft pillows and plenty of stories await you to end the week beautifully!


Each child who participates will receive a card where they can collect a sticker for each reading. Collect all 5 stickers on the card, and you'll receive a complimentary book (chosen from a selection of curated collections).


Free admission and no reservation required. Readings will be carried out only when the necessary attendance is reached.

Sunday 9/03 - ore 12:00

Disney/Pixar Classics

At Giunti Odeon the traditional Sunday appointment with all the great Disney and Pixar classics! To see and see again the great animated films that over many years have enchanted generations of viewers, young and old!

Monday 10/03 - ore 10:00

Charlie Chaplin & Buster Keaton

The films of two immense masters of the history of cinema offered at Giunti Odeon in splendid and extremely rare restored versions. We start with the 34 comedies interpreted and shot by Charlie Chaplin for the Keystone Company between 2 February and 7 December 1914. In less than twelve months Chaplin went from being an almost unknown vaudeville actor to a film star. He learnt to conceive, direct and edit his own films: just one year of whirlwind activity and a world taking shape, a character gradually taking possession of his own suit, a filmmaker conquering his place in front of and behind the camera. The Keystone comedies record, in real time, and with a dynamism, vitality and energy that are unrepeatable, the birth and evolution of one of the 20th century's most universal characters. It continues with three overwhelming masterpieces by Buster Keaton: ‘Cops’ (1922), ‘The High Sign’ (1921), ‘Neighbours’ (1921). 


At Giunti Odeon a rich selection of films and documentaries on painting, visual arts and comics in the 20th century. This is a selection of very rare titles (with many experimental and artist films) - from the Cineteca di Bologna archive - dedicated to the life and works of Alberto Burri, Umberto Boccioni, Primo Conti, Giorgio De Chirico, Antoni Gaudì, Alberto Grifi, Hugo Pratt, Gino Rossi and many others.


At Giunti Odeon, we present the new book by food critic Davide Paolini: I ristoranti da non perdere - Firenze (Gruppo Editoriale)! Joining the author are three of the most renowned names in Florence’s culinary scene: Riccardo Monco from Enoteca Pinchiorri, Giulio Picchi from Cibrèo, and Ariel Hagen, chef at Saporium!


The Book:

A must-have for food enthusiasts, Davide Paolini’s latest book, created in collaboration with Gruppo Editoriale, reveals the must-visit restaurants in Florence. Known as the "Gastronaut," Paolini is a well-respected food critic and the mastermind behind major culinary events such as Taste. This beautifully crafted, bilingual (Italian-English) volume features 224 pages bound in an elegant cloth cover and over 200 exclusive images capturing the ambiance of 49 exceptional restaurants. The book highlights must-try dishes paired with carefully selected wines and offers portraits of the chefs and owners behind these culinary gems. From cozy wine bars to gourmet dining, from traditional trattorias to innovative bistros, this book takes readers on an irresistible journey through Florence’s rich gastronomic landscape.


The Author:

Davide Paolini defines himself as a Gastronaut—someone who chooses to eat with curiosity and independence, savoring the most authentic flavors beyond culinary clichés. A former Marketing Communication Director at Benetton, he has pioneered several major food events, including Taste in Florence, Territori in Festival in Montecatini, Squisito, Viaggio nelle diversità del gusto, and Milano Golosa. Since 1983, he has written a food and wine column for Il Sole 24 Ore and has contributed to Panorama, Europeo, Gente Viaggi, Donna, Amica, Dove, Il Resto del Carlino, Il Giorno, Vanity Fair, La Nazione, and Style Magazine. Since 1999, he has been a radio host on Radio24, where he presents Il Gastronauta.

His books include I luoghi del gusto. Cibo e territorio come risorsa di marketing (2002), Guida ai ristoranti del Gastronauta (2002), Viaggio nei giacimenti golosi (2003), I vini low cost di qualità (2010), and Il crepuscolo degli chef(2016), among many others.


Encounter 3 - The protagonists: Jean-Luc Godard

The Nouvelle Vague was also born from the dual relationship of love and detachment with classic American cinema, which is also a painful confrontation between myth and reality. A bout the souffle (1960) is a key film in this sense, through the use of metalanguage and the disruption of traditional narration. Godard continued his research on language through other important films such as Questa è la mia vita (1962), Le mépris (1963), Bande à part (1964), Alphaville (1965), until he elaborated a ‘political’ idea of his own cinema around 1968.


Friday 14/03 - ore 10:00

Tribute to James Cameron

Giunti Odeon pays tribute to one of the most important directors of contemporary cinema, James Cameron, with his most famous film: an absolute masterpiece that marked the imagination, moving and enamouring several generations.

Friday 14/03 - ore 18:30

IL BRANCO by Silvio Ciappi

A book that analyzes the concept of the "gang" in modern society, highlighting how it shapes young people, fosters conformity, loneliness, and violence, and reflects the dynamics of the digital world. Silvio Ciappi will present his book Il branco (Giunti in conversation with artist Tommaso Daliana, known as Tommy Dali.


The Book:

Welcome to the age of the pack. But what is the pack? And why does it speak to today’s youth? The pack is also the new dimension of contemporary society—a horizontal world that demands happiness and success, conformity, and compliance, where even violence and pain are turned into spectacle. The pack desires what others already desire and counts: likes, connections, achievements. It watches, types, and urges individuals to correct themselves, to adjust their image within the emptiness of the digital realm. The pack fuels loneliness and violent behavior, forming the foundation of senseless, cynical violence that erupts without apparent cause, often hiding behind the face of the good boy next door. It is the union of enraged and disillusioned beings who feel the weight of social failure, inadequacy, boredom, and shame. Is there a way out of all this?


The Author:

A criminologist, psychotherapist, and clinical and forensic psychopathologist, Silvio Ciappi is also a university professor and clinical supervisor. Recognized as one of the leading experts on violent crime, he has conducted forensic investigations on some of Italy’s most high-profile criminal cases. As a consultant to the European Commission, he was a member of the ministerial commission on crime victims and the parliamentary inquiry into the death of David Rossi, head of communications for Monte dei Paschi di Siena. He has authored books, interviews, and articles on psychopathology, criminology, and victimology, some of which have been internationally translated. For Giunti, he has published Odio. L’altra faccia del dolore (2023) and Predatori. Dahmer, Bilancia e altri serial killer (2023).

Saturday 15/03 - ore 10:00

Tribute to Tim Burton

Giunti Odeon pays tribute to the dark universe of Tim Burton, one of the creative geniuses of world cinema and one of the most versatile and fascinating artists of our time, thanks to his ability to shape a unique and unmistakable poetic universe. We celebrate the great American director and artist with a selection of his most famous films, all in original version with Italian subtitles.

Sunday 16/03 - ore 12:00

Disney/Pixar Classics

At Giunti Odeon the traditional appointment with the great Disney and Pixar classics! To see and see again the great animated films that over many years have enchanted generations of viewers, young and old!


Encounter 4 - The protagonists: François Truffaut

He is the poet of the Nouvelle vague, the ‘son’ of Bazin, who grew up with the myth of cinema and literature. In his films, themes such as the mystery and instability of human relationships, the contrast between the purity of the dream and the harshness of reality, the regret for a lost purity emerge. His style strives to make the act of storytelling more important than the narrative itself: with Les quatrecentre coups (1959) the idea of cinematic autobiography as an aesthetic project was born, just as in Jules et Jim (1963) the contrasting story of an amour fou a tre becomes an opportunity to explore the subjectivity of the camera.


Encounter 5 - The protagonists: Éric Rohmer, Claude Chabrol, Jacques Rivette

With Godard and Truffaut, they are the other three great masters of the Nouvelle vague: Rohmer stages not actions, but thought, in a spiritual and erotic tension in which chance dominates (Le signe du lion, La collectioneuse, Ma nuit avec Maude). Chabrol is the one who most reflects on the relationship with genres (in particular the detective story set in the provinces), with writing that turns into an infernal trap (Le beau Serge, Les cousins). In Rivette's cinema, narration gives way to a labyrinth in which one gets lost between reality and imagination (Paris nous appartien).

The ‘Pinocchio’ exhibition curated by Fabio De Poli

To coincide with the opening of the Pinocchio Museum (Via Ricasoli, Florence), the 'Pinocchio' exhibition curated by Fabio De Poli can be visited on the first floor of Giunti Odeon. ‘Fabio De Poli declares, at the beginning, his prejudiced and obstinate dislike for Pinocchio and pinocchios. Except that he then ‘repented’ and recreated, fascinated by paper, colour, scissors, and the ‘poor’ materials of a skilful painting, a kind of tale by silhouettes, where the memory of Mazzanti, but also of Mattioli, is pushed forward, and transforms each character into a coloured cutout, as in a game of children who have learnt, and well, the lesson of Matisse. De Poli stands at the extreme edge of contact between the illustration of the book and the painting of the work. His work is both. (...) De Poli's most significant plates are however those where Pinocchio takes revenge on the artist's declared antipathy and occupies space in a total manner, with his edges, his lines, his dynamic twists, dividing the collage space with them, becoming shadow and backlight, optical effect and material and tactile reality.’ (Valentino Baldacci and Andrea Rauch, Pinocchio e la sua immagine, Giunti 2006, p.44).

Odeon, the history of cinema in Florence

All the most beautiful films, the most illustrious guests, and the most important events have had the grand hall of the historic center as their stage. Discover its history.

A century of cinema and culture

From 1922 to the present, the history of Florence's Odeon cinema in a book full of pictures, documents, stories and curiosities.

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