A book that analyzes the concept of the "gang" in modern society, highlighting how it shapes young people, fosters conformity, loneliness, and violence, and reflects the dynamics of the digital world. Silvio Ciappi will present his book Il branco (Giunti Psicologia.io) in conversation with artist Tommaso Daliana, known as Tommy Dali.
The Book:
Welcome to the age of the pack. But what is the pack? And why does it speak to today’s youth? The pack is also the new dimension of contemporary society—a horizontal world that demands happiness and success, conformity, and compliance, where even violence and pain are turned into spectacle. The pack desires what others already desire and counts: likes, connections, achievements. It watches, types, and urges individuals to correct themselves, to adjust their image within the emptiness of the digital realm. The pack fuels loneliness and violent behavior, forming the foundation of senseless, cynical violence that erupts without apparent cause, often hiding behind the face of the good boy next door. It is the union of enraged and disillusioned beings who feel the weight of social failure, inadequacy, boredom, and shame. Is there a way out of all this?
The Author:
A criminologist, psychotherapist, and clinical and forensic psychopathologist, Silvio Ciappi is also a university professor and clinical supervisor. Recognized as one of the leading experts on violent crime, he has conducted forensic investigations on some of Italy’s most high-profile criminal cases. As a consultant to the European Commission, he was a member of the ministerial commission on crime victims and the parliamentary inquiry into the death of David Rossi, head of communications for Monte dei Paschi di Siena. He has authored books, interviews, and articles on psychopathology, criminology, and victimology, some of which have been internationally translated. For Giunti, he has published Odio. L’altra faccia del dolore (2023) and Predatori. Dahmer, Bilancia e altri serial killer (2023).