LA MERAVIGLIA DEL TUTTO by Piero Angela and Massimo Polidoro
Martedì 20/02 - ore 18:30

On the stage of GO, we will host Massimo Polidoro, a historian and longtime collaborator of the unforgettable Piero Angela, for the presentation of the book La meraviglia del tutto (Mondadori), a "conversation" on the grand systems: the universe, nature, and humanity. In dialogue with the author will be Federico Vergari.


The book:


"This is probably the last book I write. I didn't think I would, but then I reflected that perhaps it was worth it. Now I would like to say what I think, the questions I ask myself, the things I have understood... It's a book that maybe I want to write for myself too, as well as for the readers." Piero Angela had been working on these pages for some time, the result of a decades-long discussion with his historical collaborator Massimo Polidoro. It's about the science that fascinated him and that he was so good at popularizing. "Think like a scientist," besides always being his advice to young people, is also the key to understanding and interpreting the present offered to them by this book. Everything in life, every subject, can and indeed must be approached with the typical rationality of the scientific method. But at the same time, one must never lose curiosity, humility, and a sense of wonder. Only in this way can one understand and grow.

La meraviglia del tutto is a life lesson that takes the reader on a journey to the origins of humanity, this "little piece of the universe that has acquired the ability to look back and reconstruct its extraordinary history." Each chapter opens a door to subsequent doors, and Angela's great narrative ability captures the reader's curiosity and drags them into the fascinating adventure of knowledge. This book would not have been possible without Massimo Polidoro, the student who, over thirty years, "interrogated" the master by stimulating him with his questions. These are the same questions that all of us ask ourselves. And to which Piero Angela responds with the clarity and intellectual honesty that we have always admired...


The authors:


Piero Angela (December 22, 1928 - August 13, 2022) was the author of countless television programs dedicated to science, history, and economics, including 'Quark' and 'Superquark'. He has written many books translated into various languages on a wide range of topics: from biology to psychology, from physics to technological developments, from complex systems to human evolution, from astrophysics to environmental issues, to his latest bestsellers, all published by Mondadori: "I Will Love You Forever" (2005), "Energy - The Challenge of the Century" (2006), "Why We Should Have More Children" (2008), "What Is Politics For?" (2011), "Journey into the Mind" (2014), "Ten Things I Have Learned" (2022). He has been awarded nine honorary degrees for his work.


Massimo Polidoro is a journalist, writer, scientific popularizer, and blogger. Always interested in the study of pseudosciences and human beliefs, he participated with Piero Angela in the founding of the CICAP. Author of many books, he teaches at the Polytechnic University of Milan and the University of Padua, has been a Visiting Associate at Harvard University, and is invited to give lectures worldwide.

Photo Credits: A. Villa


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