Giovedì 4/04 - ore 18:30

Lightness, happiness, wonder are the keywords of this meeting. Daniel Lumera will present his latest book Come se tutto fosse un miracolo (Mondadori) on the stage of GO. Alessia Bettini, Deputy Mayor of Florence, will also participate in the event. Journalist Ennio Battista will moderate the discussion.


The book:


It happens to everyone sooner or later. At some point in our existence, something happens, and we begin to feel unwell. All certainties collapse, what once made sense suddenly doesn't anymore. According to the millennia-old Eastern tradition, every human being is born like an intact bowl, perfectly capable of containing beauty and happiness within itself.

Over time, however, events cause cracks of varying depths to form in the bowl. Thus, the beauty, the wonder that existence holds for us, is dispersed, and we feel incomplete, imperfect, discontented, as if happiness slips through our fingers and we can no longer grasp it.

The good news is that there is a path that allows us to restore the bowl to its integrity, making us capable again of retaining beauty and joy: the Patra's path. A simple and delicate path, made of presence, care, kindness. A journey of discovery to awaken the extraordinary power inherent in each of us. The power to create infinite worlds, to transform pain, crisis, and the hardest trials into an experience of fulfillment and love. A power accessible to all to reconnect with our natural state of health, well-being, and creativity.

And this is the path that Daniel Lumera invites us to, indicating, through stories, even personal ones, and practical experiences to rediscover, in the simplicity and strength of timeless teachings, the keys to overcoming crises, making our lives flourish, and living every day as if it were a miracle.


The author:


Daniel Lumera, a naturalist biologist, is a professor and international reference in the sciences of well-being and meditation. For Mondadori, he is the author of bestsellers such as La cura del perdono (2016), Ventuno giorni per rinascere (2018, with Franco Berrino and David Mariani), La via della leggerezza (2019, with Franco Berrino) and, with Immaculata De Vivo, Biologia della gentilezza (2020), La lezione della farfalla (2021), Ecologia interiore (2022), 28 Respiri per Cambiare Vita (2023) and Come se tutto fosse un miracolo (2024). He is the creator of the My Life Design® method and founder of the My Life Design ODV, which translates the method into high-impact social projects, such as the International Day of Forgiveness, the Italia Gentile Movement, and its international expression, the International Kindness Movement, aimed at promoting the values of kindness, peace, and cooperation globally.


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